Seven Days of Partner Yoga, Day 6-Partner Elevator
Day 6 of our “Seven Days of Partner Yoga”!
Today we are featuring “Partner Elevator”! 🏢🏙🌇
This is a core strength & balance building partner yoga pose that can be done between siblings or between adult and child. 👦👧👩🦱🧑🦱👨🦰👩🦰
To practice Partner Elevator, squat facing your partner & hold hands.
Open your elevator door(your arms on one side) and let some pretend people in the elevator.
Close the elevator door.
Count from 1 to 5 slowly and together going up to floor 5 from squat to standing or tippy toes! Open the other “elevator door” (your other arm side) to let the people out.
Close the door and slowly go back down to a squat counting down from 5 to 1. 🌆🌃🏢
Challenge: Try it multiple times! Or count from 1 to 10! Try counting in a different language!
Please tag us in your stories and posts if you tried “Partner Elevator” at @YayaYogaCA!
See all Seven Days of Partner Yoga over at our facebook page or Instagram page.